• Water and Energy: Partners in stress?

    The 6th World Water Forum announced today formal recognition for the two-day seminar, “Water and Energy : a couple under stress ?” scheduled to be held in Abu Dhabi the 27th and 28th of March. The program organized and hosted by the think tank (re)sources is considered a preparatory event to the Forum.

    The proposed seminar will explore the inseparable links between water and energy in order to show how, through coordinated and rational management of these elements with a view to their conservation, how these can shared with the greatest number for the longest time possible.

    The seminar targets decision makers, international organizations and journalists.

    The 6th World Water Forum
    Jointly organized by France, the World Water Council and the City of Marseille, the 6th World Water Forum will take place between March 12 and 17, 2012. The theme selected for the event is “A Time for Solutions”. Four worldwide consultation processes have been launched in preparation of the 6th world forum: political, regional, thematic and local. These processes are coordinated through the Organizing Committee of the 6th World Water Forum to produce concrete proposals to address stakeholder priorities.

    Claudine Chilinski: +33 (0)6 38 13 1651

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