• Parliamentary Impulse

    15 March 2012

    André Flajolet. Co-coordinator of Parliamentary Processes for the Political Commission of the 6th World Water Forum

    The 6th World Water Forum marks a major stage in the evolution of the parliamentary process: for the first time, we will sign a universal declaration incorporating every theme related to the urgency of  universal water and sanitation access.

    After Mexico and Istanbul, Marseille truly marks the beginning of a new generation for the Forum. Our moral commitment will not rest solely on words. Within this context, the Forum will take official actions ensuring a future based on a green economy that respects cultural and natural heritage, in an effort to preserve and remediate them when under threat.

    Parliamentarians are no different from the rest of the world. Beyond this global implication, the Marseille Forum also recognises the importance of decentralised co-operation, symbolised by the participation of NGOs, of regional and local authorities and of private industry. Each of these actors represents an operational instrument that provides innovative mechanisms. The European Parliament sets out to promote this comprehensive vision.

    Regardless the means finally chosen to follow up the array of commitments, we will demonstrate, continuously, that we have not lied.

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