• "What if developing cities were taking on water?" : ending the legal vacuum around informal settlements

    15 March 2012

    On 14 March, the French think-tank (Re)sources organised a discussion forum, “What if developping countries were taking on water?”, on the challenges and role of land security to ensure access to water in informal settlements. 

    The high-level invitees, Alioune Badiane, Project Office Director of UN-Habitat, Guy Carcassonne, Professor of law at Nanterre University, Pierre Victoria, Governor of the World Water Council and Michel Rocard, Former French Prime Minister, suggest two kinds of efforts : budgetary and financial on one hand, institutional and legal on the other hand. Reform of local land taxes, recognition of neighborhood committees and legislation to organise water and sanitation services for informal settlements with residents, recognition of contracts for essential services as proof of address are listed among the operational proposals of the think-tank.

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