• Registrations are open!

    You want to attend the Forum in Marseille, from March 12 to 17, 2012?

    There are many ways to participate and to contribute to the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille:

    1. Contribute with a solution to help address the global water challenges
    2. Join one of the working groups of the 6th World Water Forum: browse our list of targets, select one or more and contact the target coordinator by e-mail with your proposal of input
    3. Register to the Forum to attend our sessions, conferences, debates or hard talks
    4. Propose a project to have institutional support through our labeling process
    5. Organize a side-event
    6. Participate in the exhibition

    Useful contacts

    You have a question on the Forum of Solutions

    You have a question on the Forum labeling process:
    Check out our charter and contact us with your proposal of project at

    You need to book a hotel

    You want to participate to the exhibition and water show

    Any other question?


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