• Political Commission lays out 6th World Water Forum Political Process

    25 August 2011
    From left to right: Serge Lepeltier, Philippe Lacoste, Benedito Braga, Pierre Victoria and András Szöllösi-Nagy

    From left to right: Serge Lepeltier, Philippe Lacoste, Benedito Braga, András Szöllösi-Nagy and Pierre Victoria

    Stockholm, 24 August 2011 – In the presence of Benedito Braga, President of the International Forum Committee, Philippe Lacoste, President of the Forum Political Process Commission, Serge Lepeltier, Coordinator of the Local Authorities’ Political Process, Pierre Victoria, member of the Political Commission, and András Szöllösi-Nagy, Vice-President of the Forum Political Process Commission, the Stockholm World Water side event “From Istanbul to Marseille: Mobilising Decision makers” brought together over 100 participants.

    During the session, the political program and proposed topics of the Forum week that will take place in Marseille, 12 to 17 March 2012, were presented, including events such as the Ministerial Process, High Level Roundtables and "Trialogues", where the 3 levels of government, Ministerial, Parliamentarian and Local/Regional Authorities will be represented, and topics such as water, energy and food security nexus, implementation of the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, etc
    A valuable question and answer period with the participants provided input to the Political Process that will be utilised in moving towards Marseille 2012.

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