• The Asia-Pacific region’s road towards the 6th World Water Forum and a secure water future

    10 October 2011

    1st Asia-Pacific Synthesis Meeting for the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit and the 6th World Water Forum - April 2011

    Organising the region’s involvement

    The Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF) has been acting as the regional coordinator of the Asia-Pacific region since the 4th World Water Forum. It is an independent, not-for-profit, non-partisan, non-political network of stakeholders in the Asia Pacific region with members from governments, international organizations and civil society.
    The APWF was created following a call from the region’s water ministers to help address the challenges of the Asia Pacific Region.

    More information on: www.apwf.org

    For the 6th World Water Forum, the APWF is coordinating 7 targets proposed by FAO, ICIMOD, KWF, UN ESCAP, UNESCO and UN HABITAT. The targets aim to find solutions about: Household and Urban Water Security, Economic Food and Water Security, Water Risks and Resilience, IWRM process for a Water secure World.

    Mobilising leaders and stakeholders before the 6th World Water Forum, “The 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit” will take place in Bangkok, Thailand, February 5th and 6th, 2012.
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