• A l’Eau l’Afrique, A l’Eau le Monde ! 6 West African countries mobilised

    20 December 2011

    In preparation for the 6th World Water Forum, Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo are mobilised to make sure that access to water and sanitation is granted to all.

    Launched on December 4 at the Festival Les Blues du Fleuve, in Podor (Senegal), the process will take place from December 2011 to January 2012.

    • Senegal : December 19 – 21, 2011
    • Burkina Faso : December 20 – 22, 2011
    • Mali : December 27 - 29, 2011
    • Togo : January 5 – 6, 2012 (regional consultations on Dec. 19 – 23 2011)
    • Niger : January 5 – 7, 2012
    • Benin : January 19 – 21, 2012

    In each country, citizens, political decision-makers and all actors of the sector are involved in national fora to raise and discuss issues on water and sanitation. This event should become a national dialogue process, on a long term basis, so that all the knowledges and responsabilities are shared in following national action plans.

    And in order to show how Africa faces the issues, solutions and commitments obtained through these dialogues will be borne by each delegation to the international community meeting in Marseille.

    Along with these national fora, cultural and artistic activities are organized. Those events keep the public informed about the national process and on issues of water and sanitation and involves each citizen in the national mobilization. This initiative is supported by many artists such as Toure Kunda, Baaba Maal, Irene Tassembedo, Erik Orsenna, Gaston Kaboré Ousmane Sow, and others coming.

    A l'eau l'Afrique ! A l'eau le monde!" promotes a multi-stakeholder dialogue. Through this collaborative process, all national stakeholders develop a shared commitment and operational plan to make sure that access to water and sanitation for all is a reality in Africa and for the rest of the world.

    "A l'eau l'Afrique ! A l'eau le monde !", an Eau Vive initiative, is implemented by six African states.

    It is technically and financially strongly supported by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the French Water Agencies.

    The artistic aspects and the reports during the 6th World Water Forum are organised with the support of Safoul Productions and the International Secretariat for Water.

    To organise interviews, obtain photos and reports, please contact Anne Mimault amimault@eau-vive.org For more information, visit www.aleaulafrique.org

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