• Together, let’s make 2012 be the Time for Solutions!

    30 December 2011

    Focusing on practical actions, the 6th World Water Forum aims to be the Forum of solutions and commitments. Thus, to collect and share concrete contributions from all horizons, an international Platform for Solutions is now open www.solutionsforwater.org. Open to all, this interactive tool enables everyone to propose and access feasible solutions, related to the Forum priorities and targets. It also helps foster and secure the necessary commitments for their implementation and upscaling throughout the world. This international platform is a working space, a knowledge-sharing basis, a network as well as an international communication and exchange device, to last beyond March 2012.

    Existing or innovative, solutions can be institutional (governance structures, plans, policies...), legal (a law, a decree, a treaty...), technical (an appropriate device, a plant, a tool, a software...), financial (levy, transfers, tariffs...) or educational (advocacy campaigns, videos, information leaflets...). Above all, the solution must contribute to tackling a key water-related issue and help reach the World Water Forum targets in any regions in the world.

    Solutions received before January 5 will be considered for the Village of Solutions, a joint WWC and IFC project for the Forum of Marseille.

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