• 2012, the « Forum of Solutions » Experts to reveal the first solutions

    Paris, Tuesday 18 January 2011

    The second stakeholders consultation meeting paves the way towards solutions for the 6th World Water Forum – Marseille 2012

    Gathering more than four hundreds experts in the four commissions and the thematic break-out sessions, this second stakeholders consultation meeting hosted in Paris on 17-18 January 2011 was the opportunity to share the ongoing results of these processes and to build momentum toward the continued implementation of solutions.

    Now that it is the time for solutions, we must define each target within each Priority for Action. What is the plan of action to make these solutions become reality? How can regions be instrumental in the achievement of these goals? How can these targets be rendered more concrete? Which stakeholders need to be involved? This is the motivation for the second consultation meeting that was held in Paris, in order to prepare the provisional program based on the thematic, regional, political and local processes.

    “We have thought together about innovative products that the Forum will offer and ways to create better connections between processes. We have created a set of 144 targets across a wide range of issues and we have sought to formulate them in such a way as to be more than empty promises, but true goals to be achieved in the coming years” to say Benedito Braga, President, International Forum Committee.

    These meetings have allowed us to identify various stakeholders that must be involved to help build the further development of the different targets. These targets include the protection and valuation of ecosystem services and “Green Growth” with ecosystem valuation methods. Another example is that by 2012, the stakeholders will take measures to enforce the right to water and sanitation.

    Organised by the French Government, the World Water Council, and the City of Marseille, the 6th World Water Forum, to be hosted in Marseille between 12-17 March 2012, will be the « Forum of Solutions ». The four preparatory processes of the Forum (Political, Thematic, Regional, Roots and Citizens) will coordinate their activities to prepare and facilitate implementation of solutions to the identified priorities for action.

    To set up an interview, obtain photos & videos or the speeches of:

    - Mrs. Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, French Minister of Ecology
    - M. Henri de Raincourt, French Minister of Cooperation
    - M. Benedito Braga, President of the International Forum Committee
    - M. Jean-Claude Gaudin, Mayor of Marseille and Vice President of French Senate
    - M. Loïc Fauchon, President of the World Water Council

    Please contact:
    Aurore Sun: +33 (6) 19 80 42 67

    Claudine Chilinski: +33 (0)6 38 13 16 51

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