• "A la Claire Fontaine": Fountains flourish in schools of Marseille

    02 January 2012

    Primary school children are invited to create their own school fountain. Kids from 8 schools, involved in the MARSECO network, labelled by the Grassroots & Citizenship Commission of the Forum, are involved in a 2-part...> More

    Category: Grassroots & citizenship Process

    The Future We Want: Drop by Drop

    03 January 2012

    The purpose of this United Nations initiative, on the road to the World Water in Marseille and the RIO+20 conference, is to create a print advertisement that inspires others to preserve water, now and for future generations. The...> More

    Water & Health Day: on Risks and Solutions

    03 January 2012

    14 debates and conferences organised by Grand Lyon and the Water Agency of Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse on the themes of water related risks and solutions Registration contact : eau-sante2012@astee.org ou par fax au 00 33 1...> More

    Category: Grassroots & citizenship Process

    Conference Water and Spiritualties

    In the frame of the preparatory process of the 6th World Water Forum that will be held from 12 to 17 March 2012 in Marseille, the International Forum Committee and the Observatory of the Religious - Institute of Political Studies...> More

    Category: Grassroots & citizenship Process

    Conference "Water and Spiritualties"

    04 January 2012

    In the frame of the preparatory process of the 6th World Water Forum that will be held from 12th to 17th March 2012 in Marseille, the International Forum Committee and the Observatory of the Religious - Institute of Political...> More

    Category: Grassroots & citizenship Process

    Invitation : Conference Water and Spiritualties

    04 January 2012

    Marseille, 23 December 2011

    Category: Press releases

    A l’Eau l’Afrique, A l’Eau le Monde !

    In preparation for the 6th World Water Forum, Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo are mobilised to make sure that access to water and sanitation is granted to all. Launched on December 4 at the Festival Les Blues...> More

    Category: Grassroots & citizenship Process, Regional Process

    Become an editor for the daily official newsletter of the Forum!

    06 January 2012

    The International Forum Committee, in collaboration with Projection network, is launching an international competition to select young professional candidates interested in working on a daily coverage of the Forum week.> More

    "Sails of Solidarity - Let's share our solutions" sets sail to talk about water to the inhabitants of the Mediterranean

    09 January 2012

    The boat set sail Saturday January 7th in the port of Marseille starting a 3-month tour in the Mediterranean> More

    Category: Grassroots & citizenship Process

    Europe Regional Process Final Meeting of the Steering Committee

    THURSDAY 12 JANUARY 09:00 – 09:30                       WELCOME AND OPENING ADDRESS,Mr Thomas ONZON, Deputy Director...> More

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    Post-Forum Highlights