Marseille sings for water in 2011

Concert “Les Voix de la Mer” (The Voices of the Sea) Since 2007, thousands of Marseille school students work on directories of songs, and meet regularly for large meeting songs, called Voices of the Sea, in places like the...> En savoir plus

Catégorie : Grassroots & citizenship Process

More than 200 local elected representatives and experts commit themselves to the water cause!

30 May 2011

Preparatory Conference for the 6th World Water Forum More than two hundred local elected representatives and those responsible for water and sanitation matters, representing some sixty countries are gathered in Lyon to kick...> En savoir plus

International Kick-Off meeting for the Local and Regional Authorities’ political process

The 30th and 31st of May 2011, Greater Lyon and the Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency will host the International Kick-Off meeting of the 6th World Water Forum Local and Regional Authorities’ political process. The...> En savoir plus

Catégorie : Thematic Process, Political Process

Nearly 300 elected representatives and experts participated at the kick off meeting of the local and regional authority process of the 6th World Water Forum

06 June 2011 Watch the interviews

6 June 2011 The meeting was organized by the Marseille International Forum Committee, in partnership with the Lyon Urban Committee and the Rhone Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency. A space for work and...> En savoir plus

Report of the Kick-Off Meeting of the Local and Regional Authority Process

08 June 2011

Interview of Guy Fradin, Vice-Chair of the International Committee of the 6th World Water Forum, the day after the meeting in Lyon “The result of this first meeting in preparation of the local and regional authority...> En savoir plus

34 projects and events certified World Water Forum 2012 as of June 8th by the Grassroots and citizenship commission

09 June 2011

The commission for «Grassroots and citizenship» is supporting 34 events or projects through an official ‘6th World Water Forum’ labeling (download the Labeling charter.) Created to ensure the rooting of the 6th World Water Forum...> En savoir plus

More than 150 parliamentarians gather at the Council of Europe to prepare the 6th World Water Forum

10 June 2011 More than 150 parliamentarians gather at the Council of Europe to prepare the 6th World Water Forum

On 10 June 2011, more than 150 parliamentarians gathered at the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, to prepare the 6th World Water Forum, which will be held in Marseille in March 2012. The Parliamentary Process at the World...> En savoir plus

Catégorie : Political Process

Preparatory meeting of the Parliamentary Process of the 6th World Water Forum

On 10 June 2011, more than 150 parliamentarians gathered at the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, to prepare the 6th World Water Forum, which will be held in Marseille in March 2012. The Parliamentary Process at the...> En savoir plus

Catégorie : Thematic Process, Political Process