Conference-debate “6th World Water Forum - Marseille 2012. Where do the French actors stand?”

28 June 2011 - Paris, France - Senate

Organised by the French Water Circle, Tuesday 28 June 2011 (10:30AM to 12.00PM), at the Senate – Palais du Luxembourg – Paris, as part of its General Assembly

In the presence of :

  • - Guy FRADIN, Vice-President of the International Forum Committee
  • - Henri BEGORRE, President of the French Water Partnership (Partenariat Français pour l’Eau)
  • - Laurent CHABERT D’HIERES, President of Water Coalition (Coalition Eau)
  • - François LACROIX, Assistant Director of the ONEMA
  • - The debate will be lead by Jean-François LE GRAND, president of the French Water Circle (Cercle Français de l’Eau), senator of the Channel

As hosts of the Forum, the French organisers must meet a dual objective: to carry out the Forum successfully in the eyes of the international community but also in terms of the specific interests of the French water community.

How can the French water community be actors in the preparation of the Forum, and as a result reinforce the 6th World Water Forum? What objectives and what contributions has France put down as part of the preparation of the 6th Forum? How can the French players induce the Forum to be a participatory event, and help carry out solutions effectively? What place can be given to for the French actors in the preparation and during the forum?

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