Political Leaders Commit

13 March 2012

The political process constitutes a crucial component of the 6th World Water Forum, through a ministerial conference, a parlementary conference, and a conference for local and regional authorities. This latter alone attracts more than 800 participants. A real record.

Solutions and commitments must arise from those events: a ministerial declaration, a parlementary manifesto and a message from local and regional authorities. The whole planet is represented here to address the whole range of water-related issues.

The ministerial conference should define the priorities for water in the perspective of the upcoming Earth Summit 2012 (Rio+20 Conference) : accelerating the implementation of water and sanitation as a human right, underlining the contribution of water in a green economy defined by sustainable development and poverty reduction, as well as placing water in a governance and cooperation framework that supports the Millenium Development Goals until 2015 and beyond.

Sujiro Seam, President of the Political Commission for the 6th World Water Forum.

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