Series of proposals

13 March 2012

The website created to improve debates and reflexions during the World Water Forum, has been registering for months contributions coming from all around the world. About 1400 realistic and promising initiatives have been registered.

Although discussions between all participants have not started yet, a commitment seems already well engaged : the 6th World Water Forum will be, indeed, the Forum of Solutions! The platform that aims at collecting proposals of concrete answers to water and sanitation issues, registers about 1.400 contributions coming from the whole world. If Europe concentrates almost half of these contributions, Near and Middle East and Asia-Oceania produce about 400, Americas (North and South) 230 and Africa 120.

These reflexions are coming from all kind of actors : experts, companies, elected representatives, donors, NGOs or simple citizens. They all accepted the constraints of the exercise: each solution, either institutional, legal, technical, financial or within the communication sector, has to be realistic and respectful of first established criterions, which are the following: adequacy with Forum's targets, a successful experimentation, a demonstrated efficiency, potential to be reproduced and to generate favourable effects on the long term or ability to convince authorities to implement it.

Contributors bring more than guideline reflexions : they detail how to fix the issues through projects they hold or that made their proof on their territories. They can be consulted in three ways : "targets", "conditions of success" or large geographical areas. The website has counted, since its launch, about 60.000 visitors coming from 189 countries and more than 312.000 pages were viewed! Counting 1.600 active members, the platform stays opened during the Forum and even after, to offer everyone the opportunity to complete the list...

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