Opening Ceremony: New Thinking and Concrete Action

12 March 2012

High level figures open the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille imploring participants for concrete solutions and actions to the world’s water issues. French Prime Minister calls for creation of an international water organisation.

This morning at Parc Chanot, high level officials opened the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille. Jean-Claude Gaudin- Senator Mayor of Marseille, Benedito Braga-President of the International Forum Committee, Loïc Fauchon- President of the World Water Council and Francois Fillon- Prime Minister of France all implore the need for water to be at the heart of international development policy.
It is symbolic that Marseille hosts the 6th World Water Forum given that “the city has succeeded in solving water issues in the past,” says Jean-Claude Gaudin. “Water deserves this gathering. Water also deserves new thinking and concrete actions,” declared Benedito Braga.

Securing sustainable supply of water is first the security of a decent life,” states Loïc Fauchon. This must include economic, social and environmental security issues that “involve inseparably water and energy, which we will have to both use less and manage more rationally,” continues Loïc Fauchon.
Besides coordinating the technical aspects of these sectors, social and political aspects must also play a central role in water security dialogue. “Promise that tomorrow(...)there will be no schools without drinking water and latrines in my country,” pleaded Sid Ahmed Ag Ahmouen, an invitee of World Water Council from Mali.

Ecological concerns and sustainable development have also taken centre stage. “Water is a development issue. But is also an ecological issue. We cannot dissociate these two issues,” explains François Fillon.  The French Prime Minister has called for a new development model based not only on GDP but also ecological issues. François Fillon also proposes the creation of an International environmental entity to manage global water issues. “The economy has its own international organisation in the World Trade Organisation; why shouldn’t the environment have one as well?” questions François Fillon.

As the 6th World Water Forum unfolds, these and other issues will be tackled, with resulting solutions playing a major role in the upcoming Earth Summit 2012 (Rio+20 conference). The Forum presents the opportunity to “write a new chapter in the history of water,” pronounces Loïc Fauchon.

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