Water, a source of inspiration for French journalists

12 March 2012

Two films, two visions. French photographer and environment advocate Yann Arthus Bertrand will present his new movie A Thirsty World (La Soif du Monde) on Tuesday night (8pm in the auditorium of Palais des Congrès, open to public). Produced by his company Hope, in partnership with the Agence Française de Développement, the film is focused on the issues surrounding water access, and will soon be distributed in 60 countries worldwide. The next day, at the same time, the renowned French journalist  Bernard de La Villardière will in turn highlight solutions. Directed by Ligne de Front, alongside with Action contre la Faim and the International Forum Committee, Water, Time for Solutions will take us aboard in a round-the-world journey of solutions, from Marseille to Oulan-Bator.

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