"Sails of Solidarity - Let's share our solutions" sets sail to talk about water to the inhabitants of the Mediterranean

09 January 2012

Sails of Solidarity - Share our solutions

During a three-month tour, the boat will call at the ports of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Italy, France, Spain, where educational workshops will take place and multi-stakeholder meetings will be organised with the participation of local associations.

The project “Sails for Solidarity  - Let's share our solutions" will relay citizen initiatives for water and encourage the practices to be replicated. It was launched in Marrakech, December 20, 2011, at the 1st Mediterranean Water Forum.

The project was initiated by the International Secretariat for Water, an organisation working to improve access to safe water and sanitation in the world. It is labelled "Grassroots & Citizenship" project by the 6th World Water Forum.

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