Europe Regional Process Final Meeting of the Steering Committee

12-13 janvier 2012 - Grand Hôtel ASTON, 12 Ave. Félix Faure, Nice - France


09:00 – 09:30                       WELCOME AND OPENING ADDRESS,
Mr Thomas ONZON, Deputy Director General,
Sustainable Development and Environment,
Métropole Nice-Côte d’Azur


09:30 – 10:00                       General presentation of the 6th World Water Forum, the different preparatory processes, and the provisional agenda

  • M. Pierre ROUSSEL, French Ministry of Environment
  • Ms Sophie NGUYEN-KHOA, Forum International Committee

10:00 – 11:00                       The European Regional Process

  • Preparatory process development:
    Mr Jean-François DONZIER, DG OIEau,
    European process regional coordinator

  • Presentation of the regional events conclusions:

    • Central Europe: Ms Maria BABUCHKIEVA, Bulgaria, CEENBO Presidency
    • Europe: Ms Simone PIO , Portugal, Presidency of the EURO INBO
    • Caucasus: Ms Malak SUKHUROVA, Director REC-Caucasus
    • Russia: Mr Mikhail BOLGOV, Deputy Director Institute of Water, Academy of Sciences, Russia

  • Discussion

11:00 – 11:15                       Coffee Break

11:15 – 13:00                       Presentation of the Europe region targets by the Target coordinators          

Presidency : Mr Jean-Marie WAUTHIER,
Director for Environment, Brussels                                              

  • Target 1: Improve transboundary cooperation,
  • Target 2: Achieve a good ecological status by 2015,
    Mr Edouard BOINET
    , IOW
  • Target 11: Adapt Water management to the specificities of European outermost Regions, Mr Loic MANGEOT, Water Office, La Martinique
  • Discussion

13:00 – 14:00                       Lunch (7th floor)

14:00 – 15:30                       Presentation of the Europe region targets by the Target coordinators
Presidency : Mr Walter MAZZITI,
EMWIS President

  • Target 4: Developing a water friendly agriculture,
    Ms Capucine CHAMOUX,
    Council for Agriculture
  • Target 5: Promote coordination between inland navigation and water policy
    Ms Catherine LELEU, Voies Navigables de France
  • Target 6: Better coordinate the water and sustainable energy policies,
    Mr Patrick TOURASSE, EDF
  • Discussion

15:30 – 15:45                       Coffee-break

15:45 – 17:00                       Presentation of the Europe region targets by the Target coordinators
Presidency: Mr Mikhail BOLGOV, Russia

  • Target 7: Access to water for unprivileged population,
    Mr Thierry UMBEHR, SEE
  • Target 8: Better manage European drinking Water and sanitation services,
    Mr Dominique OLIVIER, EUREAU
  • Discussion

17:15 – 18:30                       Visit of the old Nice, Palais Lascaris

20 :00 : Diner, Restaurant Le Grand Balcon, rue St François de Paul, Nice



09:00 – 10:30                       Presentation of the Europe region targets by the Target coordinators

Presidency: Ms Gaia CHECCUCI,
Presidente Arno Agency, Italy

  • Target 9: Knowledge and know how on rivers restoration and protection of water ecosystems,
    Mr. Bart FOKHENS, ECCR
  • Target 10: Promote Science-Policy Interface,
    Ms Frédérique MARTINI, ONEMA
  • Target 3: Adapt to Climate change,
    Ms Rosario BENTO PAIS,
    DG Climate
  • Discussion

10:30 – 10:45                       Coffee break

10:45 – 13:00                       Presentation of the Europe region targets by the Target coordinators (continuation) and European Trialogue

Presidency: Ms Simone PIO,
Vice-Presidente Tagus Agency, Portugal

  • Target 12: Develop European cooperation with Third Countries in the water field,
    Mr André LIEBAERT, DG DEVCO, European Commission
  • Trialogue "Taking action for the universal access to water and sanitation: adopting the 1% solidarity principle",
    Mr Pierre-Marie GRONDIN, PsEau

13:00 – 14:00                       Lunch (7th floor)

14:00 – 16:00                       Presentation of the synthesis report for the Europe region

Co-Presidency: European Commission
, DG Climate

  • Role and participation of high level representatives (Président, Ministers, European Commissioners..) to WWF6 in Marseille
  • Proposals for the synthesis report of the Europe region
  • Organisation of Europe synthesis session, Marseille, Friday 16 March afternoon
  • Presentations by Jean-François DONZIER, Pierre ROUSSEL, Sophie NGUYEN-KHOA

16:00 – End of the work

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