International Network of Basin Organisations (INBO), GWP, UNESCO, UNECE, French Development Agency (AFD) and GEF signified the birth of a new handbook on Transboundary Basin Management. This book results from the participation of several water professionals from all over the world and aims at providing with practical advice in order to improve Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in transboundary basins. More than 60 concrete exemples are presented.
The handbook targets a wide range of actors implicated in Transboundary Basin Resources Management, from national governments to regional organisations, managers and users from the field. The book complements the first edition about Integrated Basin Water Management, published in March 2009 during the 5th World Water Forum, that took place in Istanbul.
English and french versions can be downloaded on the RIOB and GWP websites.
Category: News in brief