Water management hesitates between Public and Private

14 March 2012

Public or Private? That is the question which opposed the pro “public water management and sanitation services” to the liberal approach holders the 13 March during the 6th World Water Forum> More

The 1,000 signatories of the Istanbul Pact exceeded

14 March 2012

On 1400 participants from 60 countries, over 500 local elected officials, including 250 mayors, governors and presidents of public authorities, are much more present than in previous forums on the process of local and regional...> More

Ministers commit to accelerating access to safe drinking water and sanitation

14 March 2012

On 13 March, ministers from participating countries to the 6th World Water Forum made a common Declaration, based on preparatory discussions. > More

From Marseille to Rio+20: Bringing Water to the Earth Summit

14 March 2012

A message from Izabella Teixeira, Brazilian Environment Minister> More

WAT-A-GAME (WAG) presentations

13 March 2012

Cemagref and CIRAD are expected to present WAT-A-GAME (WAG) on March 14 and 15, starting 4 p.m. in the Cityhall of the Village of Solutions. WAT-A-GAME comprises simple bricks and a software for designing and using...> More

Category: News in brief

Geolide, the largest underground waste water treatment plant in the world

13 March 2012

The Communauté Urbaine Marseille Provence Métropole and SERAM (Société d’Exploitation du Réseau d’Assainissement de Marseille) are proposing to participants a visit of Marseille’s “Géolide” waste water treatment ...> More

Category: News in brief

Solidarités International Calls for Political Actions

13 March 2012

Solidarités International has presented Henry de Raincourt, French Minister of Cooperation, his petition for commitments to water access. Alain Boinet, CEO and founder of the French NGO, called for a  revision of the...> More

Category: News in brief

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