IUCN: a bridge for Water Without Borders

14 March 2012

The BRIDGE project of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) deals with the management of water in the transboundary hydrologic basins in Central America, South America, and in the Mekong Region of Asia....> More

Category: News in brief

Niger River Basin : Nine countries make commitments

14 March 2012

Nine countries bordering the Niger River make a series of commitments to improve access to water and sanitation. Over 100 million people are concerned. > More

Responsibility is the key word

14 March 2012

The French Minister of Agriculture, Bruno Lemaire, laid out upcoming government measures for the sector. These measures include a maximum volume of water allocation to each farm and a simplified procedure of dams that is no...> More

Category: News in brief

Sino-French cooperation in integrated water resource management

14 March 2012

In closing the first day of the Forum, Chinese and French governments introduced a cooperation project in the field of integrated water resource management. The agreement focuses on sharing learnt experience around the watersheds...> More

Category: News in brief

Maximizing Groundwater Potential

14 March 2012

At the Forum, GRAPHIC scientists have presented  case studies from the report Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources: A Global Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations. The UNESCO-IHP publication diagnoses the...> More

Category: News in brief

France stresses water as key factor for green growth

14 March 2012

The French Ministry of Ecology discusses the sustainability of the current economic system and the solutions at the disposal of citizens, communities and companies to create a “green” economy. > More

4th World Water Development Report (WWDR4): “A roadmap to move forward”

14 March 2012

Ahead of the Rio + 20 Conference, the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) and UNESCO present the WWDR4: a new approach for reflecting on global water reality and future. > More

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