"African countries commit to funding water and sanitation in rural areas"

16 March 2012

Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Niger, Chad, France, Italy and Switzerland have pledged $80 million as part of the Rural Water Supply Initiative in Africa. The announcement was made during the conference on the partnership for...> More

Category: News in brief

American "success stories"

16 March 2012

For a better future of water and sanitation in Americas, five countries present their solutions. Each of them with their own convictions. > More

Category: News in brief

Desalinised Solutions: Water and Energy in the Arab States

16 March 2012

Ministers, local authorities and technicians from Arab states find coherence on the need for desalinisation to assure drinking water. How to power this solution is a key question. > More

The Youth Solutions

16 March 2012

Young people make their voices heard, by providing ten solutions. Water and sanitation are their backdrops. Support and promote youth education programs, establishing networks of exchange, and give way to youth in communities,...> More

Category: News in brief

Water actors reveal their commitments

16 March 2012

Wednesday 14 march 2012, public and private decision makers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), associations and water specialists met around a large panel to present their commitments in the field of water and sanitation. > More

"Time for solutions": Children as main agents for raising awareness on water issues

16 March 2012

Bernard de la Villardière, famous French journalist committed to humanitarian and water causes has presented Time for Solutions, the movie he produced. It highlights the most simple and efficient solutions to solve...> More

Category: News in brief

Big ideas from small mouths

16 March 2012

Emphatic solutions were proposed by six children in the session, Children solutions session! Let’s talk about water, held on 15th March.  “Good preparation and knowledge will decrease disaster victims!”  “Let’s...> More

Category: News in brief

From time for Solutions to time for commitments

16 March 2012

Since Monday, the 6th World Water Forum has gathered in Marseille thousands of participants who have exchanged, discussed and argued. And like everyone, I am delighted! In all, I have found a passionate spirit seeking practical...> More

Ministerial declaration: “Butterfly Effect” on the way to South Korea

16 March 2012

The 90 NGOs that compose the “Butterfly Effect” consider that “the ministerial statement innovates in several areas”. They expressed satisfaction with the clear statement of the right to...> More

Category: News in brief

Satellite Resources: A Near Perfect Solution

16 March 2012

A network of satellites, intelligently coordinated, offers unlimited prospects, among them new jobs and services. Satellite technology offers not only the best information in terms of quality to price ratio, but also the means...> More

Category: News in brief

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Post-Forum Highlights