2.3 Harmonise water and energy

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Priority for Action 2.3
“Harmonise water and energy”
Coordinators: International Water Association,
International Hydropower Association
Core group members
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Electricité De France
World Energy Council


Key Priority 2.3 Harmonise Energy for Water fits into the 2nd Strategic Direction of the Forum “Contribute to Economic Development” of the 6th World Water Forum. There is an intrinsic link between the challenge we face to ensure water security and manage the world’s rapidly growing demand for energy. Generic understanding of the nexus is commonly shared now. However a more detailed understanding is needed to lead to an effective response.
The purpose of Key Priority 2.3 is to link decision-makers and stakeholders from the water sector with their counterparts in the energy sector in order to address the water-energy nexus. The challenge is to meet water and energy demand through efficiency improvements.and shifts in supply, without impacting the other resource The World Water Forum presents a unique opportunity to bring key actors together and bring issues out of silos to discuss them on an international, regional and intersectoral level.
The Key Priority 2.3 will consider the nexus of energy and water: Energy requirements for water are dealt with in:

  • Target 1 ‘Improving energy efficiency of urban water systems’,
  • Target 2 ‘Energy use in desalination technologies’, and
  • Target 3 ‘Affordable energy for water systems in off-grid communities’.

Water requirements for energy will be the focus of

  • Target 4 ‘Evaluation framework for energy impacts on water’,
  • Target 5 ‘Hydropower sustainability assessment tool’,
  • Target 6 ‘ Impacts of oil and gas production on water’, and
  • Target 7 ‘Biofuel production and water management’.

It will be the aim of the 6th World Water Forum to focus on solutions that will be carried forward after the event. The Key Priority 2.3 will therefore work through expert networks for the targets, establish solutions, share best practices and develop and implement guidance and assessment tools to promote sustainable practices.

  • Target 8 ‘Policy network for energy and water’.

This target consists in setting up a network of high-level policy-makers, at a ministerial level, with support from business and civil society leaders. It aims at establishing strong links with the political process and will result in recommendations that will serve to advise governments on how to best approach the interlinkages between water and energy.

Identified conditions of success for the Key Priority 2.3 are:

  • Scientifically founded approach to the targets in order to develop solutions that are SMART.
  • Common scientific language for considering water and energy issues
  • Establishing a common understanding and collaboration between actors from the water and energy sectors
  • Sharing best practice examples from relevant water and energy sectors
  • High-level international representation among the Target and Solution Groups.
  • Collaboration with a range of stakeholders from all sectors, including government, intergovernmental, private sector, and civil society.
TARGET TSG Coordinator(s) Regional Links*
Target 1: Voluntary policies are effectively implemented by public authorities and water utilities of cities totaling xx inhabitants, aiming at a minimal improvement of xx% of the energy efficiency of urban water systems in 5 years International Water Association
Target 2: By 2015, XX leading desalination companies commit to apply a guide of Best Available Technologies International Desalination Association
Target 3: By 2020, XX% of the water systems (new or existing) for isolated (off-grid) communities are powered by affordable energy sources and resilient to volatile energy prices Droit à l’énergie
Target 4: By 2015, establish a conceptual and analytical framework for evaluation and reporting of the energy impacts on water Electricité De France
Target 5: By 2015, in at least 20 countries covering the five major regions, an assessment tool on hydropower sustainability (covering economic; social and environmental dimensions) - developed through a multi-stakeholder process - is applied to advance preparation and implementation/operation of sustainable hydropower schemes International Hydropower Association
Target 6: Oil & gas production impact on water By 2012, issuing principles for responsible water management for oil and gas exploration, production and upgrading, adopted by operators in country or region managing XX % of oil and gas production French Institute of Petrol for New Energies
Target 7: By 2015, develop and implement a conceptual framework providing guidance on best water management practices for biofuel production, both on a project level (voluntary standards) and on a policy level (regulations). Round Table on Sustainable Biofuels
Target 8: By 2015 establish a network of water and energy policy makers involving at least 10 developed and 10 developing countries to increase levels of dialogue and awareness of all aspects of water/energy nexus Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum & energy Americas
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* This column indicates when thematic and regional targets are matching and have a good potential for mutual contribution and partnership.

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