2.1 Balance multiple uses through Integrated Water Resource Management

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Priority for Action 2.1
“Balance multiple uses through Integrated Water Resource Management”
Coordinator: American Water Resources Association
Core group members
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage/French National Committee - Société du Canal de Provence
Food and Agriculture Organisation
International Water Resource Association
Murray Darling Basin Association
Global Water Partnership
US Army Corps of Engineers
TARGET TSG Coordinator(s) Regional Links*
Target 1: By 2015, according to their laws and regulations, XX (number to be set by TSG) new countries adopt processes that encourage/ensure the participation of all stakeholders in IWRM, and thus set up and empower appropriate Integrated Water Resources Management authorities at relevant levels, representing the stakeholders Pakistan Water Partnership

Scientific-Information Center of Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia
Central Asia
Target 2: By 2018, the same XX countries make water resource planning a reality by adopting Integrated Water Resource Management (Master) Plans (IWRMP) at various scales within the perimeter of the IWRM authorities they have constituted and empowered International Land and Water Program
Target 3: By 2015 establish a worldwide recognized frame of reference related to the quantity and the quality required for different uses, through joint work between international professional associations representing all usages of water and scientists International Water Resource Association

European Federation of National Associations of Water and Wastewater Services
Target 4: By 2015 establish an internationally recognized frame of reference related to the methodology for valuing water according to its various uses, through joint work between international professional and water user associations representing all usages of water, scientists and economists Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Target 5: By 2015 elaborate and validate models which could be used as tools for helping decision makers implement IWRM to balance multiple water uses to best achieve desired goals Global Water Partnership Asia-Pacific
Target 6: By 2015, water service professionals, jointly with international associations representing all usages of water, issue appropriate guidelines (with indicators of impact assessment on health, environment, resource management and hydraulic system sustainable operation) for managing multiple resources, either surface or groundwater (implementation of IWRM in groundwater-dominated systems), and multiple use (hydraulic) systems (MUS) in line with those approved by international organizations and funding institutions International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage/French National Committee

American Water Resources Association
Central Asia
Target 7: By 2015, IWRM authorities, jointly with water service professionals will identify reliable methods and provide recommendations on appropriate equipment for accounting/ measurement of withdrawn water resources as well as produced, distributed, consumptive use and return flow water volumes. As part of this process International Organizations will develop recommendations regarding which water related information should be retained or shared International Water Resource Association Asia-Pacific
Africa (South Africa)
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* This column indicates when thematic and regional targets are matching and have a good potential for mutual contribution and partnership.

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