1.4 Prevent and respond to water-related risks and crises

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Priority for Action 1.4
“Prevent and respond to water-related risks and crises”
Coordinator: Action Contre la Faim
Core group members
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
US Army Corps of Engineers
Oxfam UK


The impacts of disasters and water related crises are increasing. The last decades have been marked by an increase of the numbers of people affected as well as the amount of economic damage, making Disaster Risk Reduction an economic necessity and a strategic priority for many countries.

Significant steps have been achieved since the adoption of the Hyogo Framework for Action by the United Nations and its member states in 2005, but there is still a need to reinforce and improve the 3 components of water related risk protection: preparedness, mitigation and response to disaster: This is how the PFA 1.4 is organized, in the continuation of the Istanbul forum where prevention and management of disaster was already included (Climate Change, Disasters and Migrations).

1. Preparedness

By preparedness we understand any specific measures taken before the disasters strike, usually to forecast or warn against hazards and take necessary precautions. It is a question of building a culture of risk avoidance and reduction at all levels and implementing proper policies to equip people and economies to reduce and manage risk. In the frame of the PFA 1.4 this aspect is modeled on the internationally agreed Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). This first issue is divided in 5 targets, which are directly linked with the 5 pillars of HFA:

1.1 National policy for disaster risk reduction is made a local priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation.

1.2 Disaster risk has been assessed, monitored and an early warning system has been developed.

1.3 Countries are using knowledge and innovation to build yup resilience at all levels (NB. This target is treated in the Condition for Success # 3 “enabling environment” and more specifically target 2)

1.4 Social policies are developed to reduce the most at risk population vulnerability.

1.5 Early preparedness plan for response at all levels.

2. Mitigation

By mitigation we understand any action taken to minimize the extent of a disaster or potential disaster. It aims to link the preparedness and the answer by upgrading of the country’s infrastructures in order to reduce the impact of a disaster. This issue is covered by one target:

2.1 Reduce disaster induced economic losses in 25 countries with lowest HDI to < 10% of GDP by 2020; 7% by 2030 and 5% by 2050.

3. Answer

This issue is covered by one target:

3.1 By 2015 100% of the level 1 crisis has been addressed in an effective way through the humanitarian reform approach with systematic consideration for rehabilitation.

Level One crisis refers to the WASH cluster terminology. The objective of covering 100% of the crisis with a Cluster approach has already been reached in 2011 so we added “approach with systematic consideration for rehabilitation” which is a way to link relief, rehabilitation and development as well as to create a new challenge for the next period.

Contributors to the PFA 1.4 are UN agencies involved in Disaster Risk Reduction, states and governments, Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutes and private institutions.

TARGET TSG Coordinator(s) Regional Links*
Target 1: By 2015, 100 countries have adopted a national policy for disaster risk reduction and resilience and made it a local priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

Korean Ministry of Public Administration and Security
Target 2: By 2015, 50 countries have identified, assessed and monitored disaster risk and developed an early warning system China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
Target 3: By 2015, 25 countries have developed social policies to reduce the vulnerability of their most at risk populations Korea Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Maritime Affairs Asia-Pacific
Target 4: By 2015, 50 countries have an effective disaster preparedness plan for response at all levels Amiacque
Target 5: Reduce disaster-induced economic losses, in 25 countries with lowest HDI, to <10% of GDP by 2020, <7% GDP by 2030 and <5% GDP by 2050 US Army Corps of Engineers
Target 6: By 2015, 100% of the level one crisis has been addressed in an effective, coordinated and accountable way, through the humanitarian reform approach and with systematically consideration for rehabilitation Solidarités International
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* This column indicates when thematic and regional targets are matching and have a good potential for mutual contribution and partnership.

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