• 2.2 Contribute to food security by optimal use of water

    < Priority for Action 2.1 Back to list Priority for Action 2.3 >
    Priority for Action 2.2
    “Contribute to food security by optimal use of water”
    Coordinator: Food and Agriculture Organisation
    Core group members
    International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage
    Indian Farmers Associations
    International Youth Council
    French Ministry of Agriculture
    Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
    Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
    TARGET TSG Coordinator(s) Regional Links*
    Target 1: By 2020, sustainably increase by xx% - as compared to 2005-07 baseline - land & water productivity (yield per ha and per m-3) of rainfed agriculture (for specific crop categories) International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas

    French Development Agency
    Target 2: By 2020, sustainably increase by X% - as compared to 2005-07 baseline - water productivity per unit land and per year (yield per m-3, per ha and per year) of irrigated agriculture (for specific crop categories) Water for Food Institute, Nebraska University

    Food and Agriculture Organisation
    Target 3: Increase sustainably productivity and lower costs of water management (yield per ha, per m3 of water and per $$ of production cost) in such a way that by year 20yy there is food security at affordable prices for all International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage/French National Committee Americas
    Central Asia
    Target 4: By year 20yy, increase by x% - as compared to 2005-07 baseline - the safe use of non-conventional waters, either (treated) waste water or other low-quality water, in agriculture International Center for Biosaline agriculture Americas
    Target 5: By year 20yy increase by xx% the capacity of water storages in support of irrigated agriculture (either supplementary, deficit, or full irrigation) - within the framework of an environmentally sufficient and socially sound management International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage/French National Committee
    Target 6: By 20yy, develop and adopt two “regional” (e.g. West Africa; Europe / Euro-Med) visions for food security and water, and 200 local sustainable agriculture plans Arab Water Council
    Target 7: By 20yy, develop national strategic action programmes for key ‘hotspot’ aquifers exploited by intensive agricultural use (% aquifer depletion, % pollution), including a local definition of maximum admissible drawdown (MAD)and local definition of maximum admissible pollution levels (MAP) for agricultural uses Food and Agriculture Organisation

    French High Council for Food, Agriculture and Rural Space
    Target 8: By 2015, define water-related components of a strategy that will improve food supply chain efficiency by 50% and promote sustainable diets, including steps for its implementation by 2025 Stockholm International Water Institute

    Food and Agriculture Organisation
    Target 9: By 2015, elaborate international agricultural water-related guidelines to support the small-holders farmers in order to better manage agricultural water, produce more goods and services Coordination SUD
    < Priority for Action 2.1 Back to list Priority for Action 2.3 >

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    * This column indicates when thematic and regional targets are matching and have a good potential for mutual contribution and partnership.

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